Tata, 07.02.2024
© 2024 by Tata"newspaper" version 1.2
A template for CMSimple_XH 1.7.x
Simple template for a "multinewsboxed" newspaper.
- The template doesn't require any additional plugins and has no navigation for a user.
- The navigation is only available in admin mode.
- Pages are named in a sequence e.g. News01, News02,... These names ar mandatory, as they are used in the newsbox funktions in the template.
- Page content is split into four columns and is fully responsive.
- The news in newsboxes may contain texts, images, video, sound and/or another plugin calls.
- It is recommended to keep the images in rational dimensions (e.g. max. width 800px).
- However, the template may offer even more sexi page using the hi-fancybox. In this case it is recommended to use two sets of images (e.g. r_img.jpg / 600px and z-img - 1200px).
- The z-images may then be used as the targets to "zoom" images zoomed by hi-fancybox plugin.
- Number of newsboxes is unlimitted - the only necessary step is to copy the entire newsbox code block and extend any of the columns in the template.
- It is also to consider the number and leght of newsbox content so the lenght of all columns will have about the same value. This is important for narrower displays, where the columns are placed on the beginning of next row.
- changed font
- added "To the TOP" button
- set max-height to newsbox; added "Read more..." hvoer-field
- corrected small bugs and tipos in template and styesheet